best parks in myrtle beach

Our great city makes it hard to pick which parks get the top spots.

And truly, this answer will be different depending on a lot of factors… your kids ages and abilities, how much time you have, and even what kind of mood you’re in that day (want to be active and play with them or just observe from a comfy spot).

If you want to decide for yourself then check out the reviews below to get an idea of what to expect at each park. But if you trust us to make recommendations then scroll down a little further! 

gardens by the sea myrtle beach

Best park to keep kids busy a long-long time

No question – it’s Savannah’s Playground all day long. The park is just so big and offers so many different elements that your kids will stay engrossed in play for hours, if you let them. 

Plus the area is convenient for stopping for some lunch or just walking around the large lake. This is a great spot to go if you’re looking to spend an entire morning or afternoon.

Best park for a quick stop

McLeod is our pick for a place to quickly burn off some energy or if you randomly have 30 minutes to kill before an appointment. It’s easy to get in and out of and pretty conveniently located in central Myrtle Beach. 

It’s got enough equipment to keep kids entertained but not so much that you should have to surfboard carry them to the car as they scream about not having even gotten to do “xxx” yet. 

best park if you want to sit and not get up

No judgement here!!! Sometimes parks are more trouble than they’re worth if you’re chasing 2+ kids in different directions. Or constantly going to the little one who still hasn’t figured out what structures are designed for climbing or sliding. They all look to him like great options for falling.

So, our pick for the best parks to actually P-A-R-K it in is McLeod and Gardens by the Sea. Both are fully fenced and small enough that you can keep an eye on the children from any spot. Both also have a small covered seating option that would be inviting places for tired mamas.

if you're visiting and can only try one

If you’re visiting and only have time for one park then it has got to be Savannah’s Playground. All the reasons that make it the best park for keeping kids busy also make it the best choice for those visiting or vacationing. 

Happy park exploring!